Governance Framework

CSHK adopts a low-carbon development governance structure covering decision-making and execution, so that the senior management, subsidiaries of CSHK and functional departments can work together to improve our low-carbon construction competitiveness in a concerted and responsible manner. In addition, as a carbon neutrality demonstration project, the O⬝PARK2 site has also established the CSHK Carbon Neutrality Working Group to implement and report issues related to greenhouse gas emissions quantification and reduction of the project.

CSHK Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Asset Development Committee

The president of CSHK serves as the chairman, and the members of the committee include the heads of the functional department of engineering, safety, environmental protection, supply chain management, human resources, quality assurance and technological innovation. The day-to-day work of the committee is managed and coordinated by the Corporate Communications Department, with the person in charge of the sustainability development of CSHK as the secretary.

The committee is mainly responsible for promoting and managing the low-carbon construction and carbon asset development of CSHK.

CSHK Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Asset Development Working Group

The head of the Corporate Communications Department serves as the director, and the members of the working group are key employees from engineering, safety, environmental protection, supply chain management, human resources, quality assurance and technological innovation, while the person in charge of the sustainability development of CSHK serves as the secretary.

The working group mainly assists the committee in carrying out relevant work. The working group is responsible for identifying potential carbon neutral construction projects, carbon asset development projects, and preparing relevant materials as well as implementation plans.